Monday, February 14, 2011


So, I have been bad about Blogging and keeping everyone updated: I am sorry, it's just that life gets busy sometimes.

Anyways, a lot has happened recently.
First, I got the official, written acceptance to Three Seas! I heard from the director of the program in early October that I had gotten in, but it's nice to have it in writing.

Second, I finished the PIPA data! Les, Randi, and I are meeting in mid-March to discuss some coral identification but I am done with PIPA, for now! So, now I am moving from Kiribati to Brazil!

So that is the third thing: with the PIPA data done, I am now working on video data from the Abrolhos shelf off Brazil. The video data is from Nitrox divers who went down about 80m to see sights that have never been filmed and/or seen before! And guess who gets to work with the data: this kid!

Sadly, I have not been able to see a lot of it because of some issues with computer programs but, from what I have seen, it is remarkable. On the Abrolhos shelf, there are corals that are found only on this one place on Earth. Also, the corals are built up from fossil corals. I do not know as much about the shelf as I should and will be doing research on it today but, in the mean time, here is a web page about it: Conservation International

I also have been given swipe access to the BUMP (BU marine program) lab. It is a hidden treasure in the basement of the building and it is full of fish, coral, octopi, and giant clam! I personally love the octopi and, on my first day down there, there were 2 day old babies! I brought my camera today and hope to put up photos asap!

Anyway, I have to run but I  realized I hadn't updated this in a while and felt I should. All the bests!!